Wednesday, October 16, 2019


OLD OLD OLD POST I have been much to busy this past lifetime to even pay attention to my love of ignoring everything else to even remember about updating this ( much to the dismay of those who may care.) But There shall be new entries in no time, I assure you this, insane asylum! Nevertheless, I suppose I should update the few people who read this what I have been up to. I just did a Roast Battle at the World Famous Comedy Store! And although I lost, I truly enjoyed feeling the glow of a spotlight on me. Not to mention I said all my jokes right and three of the judges after the match congratulated me on my efforts. It just goes to show that no matter how much I want to be I'll never totally be the bad guy that I tend to see myself as. And the reason I even see myself as a bad guy in the first place is basically because I worry I'm not doing enough here! On the Internets! How silly is that, I ask of you? I assume nobody will be vigilant enough to discover me rambling about nothing here, just like my hero Cantinflas, but alas it all seems okay.


I've noticed that there's been a heaping amount of people who look to blogging to sadfish. As if it's a proper way to go ahead and write. It isn't. And I'll figure a way out of my own habits that I do myself. Believe you me.